Monday, December 13, 2010

The Manager's Lament

The Manager’s Lament
From the small office window,
Across my land of cubicles,
I see three consultants converge.

Their gaze shifts towards me,
They sneer remarks untowardly,
Far too quiet to be heard.

For I am the manager,
Who takes their anger
And accepts all responsibility.

They could not have known
How I thought once I’d grown
Into an adult from just a baby

That I’d have great adventures
Dash from angry pinchers
And explore sunken wreckage.

Instead I have sold
As my life unfolds
My true dreams for a 401k package.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blogging about blogging

   I will admit that when I first found out we have to blog for a class, I was not too excited. I have never blogged prior to this and felt as if blogging was a little extra "me" time for some people. Nonetheless as I began to blog, about specific topics and not just randomized me moments, I felt myself reminiscing the moments that I blog about and appreciate them more. Let me first begin to explain, that I am a person that likes to stay on top of my game. I feel as if open slots in the schedule do let me fall apart. I devote an x amount of time for each class, and I've noticed, that I do particularly well in those classes that something is due every so often. Unlike those classes that we have nothing but the final to study for. I am a person that likes to participate and show my skill on day to day basis rather then be charged with an exam that I panicked on.
   As I told the professor, I have been through many teachers and professors in my educational career and only a few left an impact. This course was most certainly one of those "purple cows" -Kurpis, that will catch your attention and will not let you compare it to any other. Blogging was certainly the biggest distinction for this class.
   The biggest asset that has derived from blogging was certainly, the hands on prep for an exam. The blogs about  the culture shock, and the "steps of planning" were definitely useful for me to prepare for the exam. Aside from that it let me fully explain my thoughts on decision making, seeing how I had a lot to say and wanted to let everyone to speak during class time.  Other then writing my own blogs this allowed me to see the thoughts of three people who agreed with me or disagreed with me and their impressions of the process. For each blog I too had to comment on three other blogs, and most of the time it was blogs of different people. This helped me understand the diversity in the class and who I can relate with. Through this method I have also acquired few friend based relationships in the class, which I haven't in many of my other classes.
   I believe the blog is a great part of the class, aside from the interaction and the sharing of thoughts with one another, it delivers 1/5th of our grade. A lot of time students complain that they have no control over their educational life. Yet I fell that through this blog we had complete autonomy. We had a great deal of time in between the blogs to get each done, and there were no particular requirements in terms of length and outside sources. Depending on my time distribution I would like to continue blogging through out my other classes. Hopping that I can influence some though my ideologies.
    Once again as a person who likes to stay on top of things, and have autonomy I must say thank you to Professor Kurpis, for letting me stay in control of 1/5th of my grade. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

the D the I the S the C its DISC

In management class we were asked to take a personality survey. I was always very skeptical of personality surveys, can these questions really summarize who i truly am? As the professor has given the example of raw or baked carrots survey, I looked at all survey that same way. However the "DISC Personality Assessment", it was fun to take and the combination of letter choices was impossible to figure out so I couldn't help but to set my mind free and put the most honest answers.  I was diagnosed Dc, not to be self critical but when i told people about it they said its right on the button. The professor himself said the D's are people who participate mostly and take charge, if he would know me outside of class he would also know that I like to be very analytical, and observe everything to the smallest detail. To say whether or not I wish my diagnosis was different is difficult. I feel as if I have been this way for the better part of my life, as you may have read in my McDonald's post I am a fan of being demanding (not overbearing though). I have given this survey to several close people to me, people that I have known for years, after  seeing how accurate their results were I definitely complied with mine. Nonetheless I do believe people have power to change their ways, I am not exactly sure what answer choice gave me my results, but for instance i haven't answered that I am mostly generous on a single question. Maybe its food for thought in terms of becoming more generous. I'm sure some have answered that they have fear, overpowering those fears will switch one to another grouping. I definetly plan on using this test on more serious issues then just testing my friends. I believe it is good to know someone before approaching them especially when delivering a demand to your subordinates. I have read a little extra online in terms of assessing those people who are the D, I, S, and the C.  The information that I have read confirmed what I always thought, people subconsciously are sensitive to the way they are approached. Some like the "what" questions while other despise them and only answer to "how's". I really did enjoy this quiz and the opportunity to use it outside of class.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I’d Like My Ten Points SUPERSIZED Please

I’d Like My Ten Points SUPERSIZED Please
By: David Zardiashvili
I don’t like to think of myself as a confrontational person, but if you ask those that know me I am a person that will urge people to deliver if the result is obtainable. Whether the situation involved me in collecting money from clients, while running a self start up business, or gathering a clientele in a sales management position for debt consultant, I sometimes enjoy that fast paced, back and forth with my counters, more than achieving the actual goal. However, the goal that I’m fighting for must indeed be somewhat obtainable, to gain a complete assertive tone while formulating any order, I must believe that if that order were to be given to me I would be able to execute it. I am a strong believer that a firm, and assertive tone, with a little bit of charisma, will get people along side with you.   
With that ideology, I was excited to hear that I can earn myself 10 extra points on an exam, if I place an unordinary order in McDonalds, while observing and reporting how it was carried out. My task was to place an order from the Dollar Menu, for 1 hamburger with 5 pickles on it, plus well done fries, and a mac sauce on the side for dipping. The obtainment of the food was just a small part of what the McDonald’s employees were getting tested for. The big picture was not to see if they could chuck a handful of pickles on my burger, even if it’s more than five, but to execute it precisely as it was given and provide a receipt that states my order in black and white.
Unfortunately due to my eagerness and lack of attention, I wanted to be the first one done with this assignment and therefore, I missed the details and the big picture. I ended up doing it twice. The first time it was a smooth process, where only one person took my order and took the initiative to go to the back and tell them “exactly five pickles.” However due to my inattentiveness, I did not notice that the receipt did not reflect the order. The receipt simply said “Pickles” once, and I only noticed that at home. The professor had specified that the pickle order must be written out in one of two ways, either “5 extra pickles” or the word pickle 5 times.
A few days later I went back, as if it was my first time, and had placed the order again. The cashier taking my order explained that she can only hit the pickle button once, and she will go back to make sure there are at least 5 pickles on the burger. I had assured her that she in fact can press that button 5 times, and once they see it on the order screen they will get the clue. I can only assume that she was a trainee, because as we were going back and forth, a line started formulating behind me and some one of seniority had come to help her. It was not a manager though simply someone who has put in more hours. The girl explained to her that it is okay and to go through with it. Further I started placing an order for the well done fries and the mac sauce, at which point I have lost both of them, when they told me they cannot do that. As I said prior, if I know that the goal is obtainable, I will go to Pandora and back if I must. I knew the mac sauce was not only obtainable but they certainly had a button for it because on my first attempt in the same McDonalds I had received the order and a printed receipt reflecting it. Same goes for the “well” button when it came to the fries. I had told them that I wouldn’t want to get a manger involve (so not true), and if they would be a little more attentive and look on the key board they will find that button.  Sure enough they had and they looked at me as if I discovered the promise land.
Although reading this, one may think it was a tedious process, I am simply dissecting it to minor details which unfortunately exaggerate the duration of the process. I walked up to the register with my palm covering my cell phone, on which a voice recorder was turned on. Aside from the interest of receiving 10 extra points, I really wanted to take advantage of this and see how it will work out. Luckily, from walking up to the counter, placing and receiving the order, only took 2 minutes and 46 seconds.     
It was quick, and McDonalds still held up in the race towards fast food. Nonetheless, the order was placed by someone who knew what he is talking about. How about the mass numbers who may want something and get bamboozled by the bottom floor employee when they are told it is not possible.
I deliberately went to the same McDonalds, to see if all the staff is reading the same training manual. Clearly that was not the case. If I were to be a management consultant for that McDonalds, I would urge for all to be trained before they are released on the front lines of order taking. As I have stated before on my second visit an employee was trying to assure me that there was no mac sauce button, nor is placing that order allowed. I didn’t want to ruin the control of this experiment but I wish I could have just told her it was my second time, and someone already has processed that for me. Their training was not up to par, but they have executed the task of communication well. Whether it was between the employee and the client (I) or between the two workers, everyone kept patient and explanations were well communicated.  Regretfully, in terms of this project, I had no need to communicate with the manager. The bottom line workers had performed well. I can only judge what I have seen in terms of communication and they have carried themselves well.
When it came to organization and leadership, it was clear, that those who had seniority had to keep an eye on “fresh meat”. The employee who helped out with placing the five pickles rushed over when she saw the need, kept her cool and helped maintain a comfort zone for the new employee. This did not only portray her leadership skills, in terms of bailing out her co workers and sharing her knowledge, but also illustrated a well structured organization. Although it may be by chance that I walked up to the right register at the right time, I can only report what I had observed. Nevertheless, I will say that although the McDonalds that I have visited is capable of executing special orders per se, the employees on an individual level are not.
This assignment has once again shown me that the most important part of giving an order is the way you give it. Regardless of if it’s in a restaurant, to your subordinates, or arguing with your phone company, assertive firm and confident is the way to go. One must not be over enthusiastic and high set stretch goals, but learn the task inside out, believe that is not “unobtanium”, and take a hold of it.  

Sunday, October 31, 2010

If You Can See It There Is A Way To Reach It

On Wednesday's class we watched a motivational film "Power of Vision". The film was open for an individualistic interpretation, or success for masses. The quote that grabbed my attention was when the narrator asked the viewers is it "nation's positive view that delivers success or is it vice verse?" There was a comparison between adolescents who were doing well in school and were goal oriented vs. those who were barely getting by with their grades, with no substantial vision of their future. This made me reminisce a time in my life just a few years ago, when I truly didn't know what I want to do. Due to the foggy view of the future, I lacked ambition to do well even in classes that were mandatory for any path, and that only creates a path for a disaster. I believe that life is like a highway some drive fast, some slow, some reckless, but regardless of how you are driving, if you don't know where your going, you will never take the right exits. Through this idealism I have adapted to something that resembles, what the narrator has told the viewers to do. To be successful we need to A. get a vision, B. Get support for vision, C. make vision a reality. In my junior year of my first path for an undergrad degree, I decided to research Law schools, and get on the road for a law career. Seeing how that is a broad career path a narrowed it down to corporate law, and decided upon graduating John Jay, with a Legal studies degree to pursue business degree in Baruch. To lay out my personal business goal punctually, I would like to get my finance degree, and begin working in a corporate setting using the knowledge and skills that I have obtained in school and internships. In a few years after experiencing a department other then legal, I would like to make shift into law school to pursue my JD.
       After creating this image in my head and envisioning it as a reality, I have noticed a drastic increase in my grades, view life as a canvas, and the ride is certainly smoother on the "highway".

Monday, October 18, 2010

A chance to shine

Given that majority of the class has done poorly on the midterm, the professor was kind enough to let us assess the crisis on our own and implement a new game plan on how we may improve the current grade and generate better ones on exams to come. Day in and day out we come to class as students, and abide the rules given to us by the managerial figure placed in front of us "the professor", this time we were given the chance to be managers of ourselves and the class, as the professor sat back and watched, with an occasional grim. Its well known that saying "lets just study harder" will only end us in the same place so here we were on the track to raise our grade. Automatically the class had split into the aggressors who didn't yet know what they wanted but were eager to be "self-nominated" leaders. The brown nosers, who although were given a leadership position were still intimidated by the presence of the professor in the room and felt as if they would prosper more through a humble approach. And as few such as myself, at the moment I felt like a high roller, the chance was mine to finally take advantage and hustle the "system". Chaos erupted as the professor said go, and ideas were being hollered out. A classmate, Abe, decided to address this by approaching the board and jotting down ideas. Winning over the majority but there were still a few that were dazed and confused. We finally agreed how we will improve our grade, and with just a few minutes to spare we went into the debate of formatting the next exam. People were all over the place, opposing ideas, and suggesting ideas of the same nature. i.e. Yes to multiple/multiple but no to True/False... Go on E-bay buy a CLUE. Others were to eager to explain that giving a curve to those that did worse then them would be like giving a reward for the lack of effort. I felt like I started out as a "compete to win" participator and walked away as a collaborating player. I was eager to take advantage, yell out high numbers for extra credit and settle on something in between, yet there were those who low balled themselves. Automatically agreeing on a 10% increase for extra credit is not justifiable when you're in charge, 20 should of been offered and on 15 we should of closed. As we approached the "closing bell" final decisions had to be locked in, and a unanimous vote must of been agreed upon to received the bundle that will raise our grade. To this minute I think there are still some people who don't know what they agreed to, but knew that they would be the black sheep out, if no vote was put in. Overall I am happy with the final outcome, not every professor will give this opportunity, if given again, I think people just need to know how to play their cards right, and appreciate the fact that your in charge. We don't feel guilty taking advantage of low mrtgs, or sales, yet when it comes to student/professor ethics, even when given power, some choose to be weak.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dont let-go the "Egg-O"

This week in class, we were assigned to build housing for an egg, a housing that would protect the egg if it was to be dropped from a 10 foot height.  
Although our task was not fulfilled, I'm proud of the work we have done as a group. I believe we followed through with all of the steps, and all we can really blame is the lack of time and the novice experience.

Assessing the steps:

 As the professor was reading the instructions, looking back I can remember that every one was not just thinking but already rationalizing how this can work. As soon as we began brain storming, everyone was patient for their turn to speak and gave respect to those who were throwing ideas out at the moment. After going around in a circle and pooling all ideas, we have all agreed on one. We understood exactly how much time we have and how we may optimize it.

Step 2. Determine current status compared to objectives

 Aside from the overall task, we had sub-duties to delegate. One had to draw, braid the straws, hold the egg steady while others are working, and one was chosen to egg-secute the plan. We assigned roles according to past experiences, or advantages that one had over another. For instance no special skill is needed to drop the egg but we thought it was necessary to pick a person with the least vertical distance from the ground.

Step 3. Develop premises and several alternative strategies


Step 4. Analyze alternatives and make a tactical plan

  Before given the straws we began alternating ideas using pieces of paper as supplements for straws, alternatively this action was one that landed us on the plan that we have carried out.

Step 5. Implement the plan and evaluate results

 Once all was done we have realized that we had an excess amount of straws for which we have underestimated in our favor. We have used the extra straws to build around and under neath cushion for a softer lending.
-Overall seeing how our damage to the egg was minimal, I believe it may be perfected on further tries.